Bunad silver East-Agder gentleman

East-Agder gentleman

One of the versions of this Bunad, the grey-coat, is partially reconstructed from old costume parts from the early 1800's. The picture illustrates the new version of this Bunad. It started out as a folk costume around the 1920's, and it got the status as a Bunad later on. The pants may be both long and short.

The Silver: The shirt needs a neck pin, horn ring, or neck button. The cufflinks are either a Holland-button or a rose-button. The buttons for the vest, coat and knife are all the same pattern. The coat has 4 pairs of buttons in the front and 2 on each sleeve. The vest has the same buttons in the front and 2 at the lower collar. The knee-highs have a button in front and 3 by the breeches. In addition, a man should have his knife, and one might consider silver shoe buckles together with a timepiece and a matching chain.